European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

An iDoorCam to Answer Doors

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iDoorCamThe iDoorCam has a proposition for customers not wanting to get up to answer calls at their doors-- a webcam-equipped doorbell allowing one to check who is at the door on an iDevice via wifi.

Inside the rugged circular package are a camera (day and night vision), speaker, microphone and motion sensor. It is easy to install on walls (just like any regular doorbell), and users only need to connect it to wifi network once it gets power.

Users get door call alerts on iPhones or iPad, and are offered the option to either answer or simply ignore after checking video from the camera. The system handles multiple users, and can record screencaps and video.

The iDoorCam makers are currently looking for donations/preorders on Indiegogo, and if all goes according to their plans the device will be available from October 2013.

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