Sonos Gets Apple Music

Apple Music is available on Sonos systems in public beta form from 15 December, meaning customers will be able to stream the iDevice-powered music service through Sonos smart speakers.

Apple Music Sonos“Streaming is bringing more music into everyone’s lives—and that’s a better life. The introduction of Apple Music marks an inflection point for streaming and its mass adoption,” Sonos claims. “Now that we have access to virtually all the music on Earth, how music lovers listen to it is even more important. We are honoured to bring Apple Music to Sonos listeners all over the world.”

The public beta allows the control of most Apple Music features via iDevice, Mac, PC and Android Sonos app, as well as playback in any or multiple rooms in the home. The service will be officially launched sometime in Q1 2016.

Apple Music sets to be superior to the streaming competition (in other words Spotify) through "handcrafted" radio stations such as Beats 1 and playlists created by "world-class" music experts.

Go Apple Music on Sonos