Can Cloud Shake Up Gaming?

Serious gamers demonstrate a natural affinity to buy heavy duty home theatre, home networking installs, unlimited never by desire but usually by personal budgets.OnLive

While Xbox 360, Wii and PlayStation 3 battle for dominance of the video game console market, Steve Perlman (Silicon Valley inventor who was the head of the Apple group that created QuickTime and the developer of what would become Microsoft’s WebTV product) believes he can be the Great Disruptor of the Gaming Market. 

Starting in USA this month, gamers will be able to stream Perlman's OnLive games-from-the-cloud to their televisions-- using a $99 box about the size of a cigarette package.

OnLive faces obstacles but many analysts are betting that the internet delivery will rule over traditional PC/console gaming...and once again allow IP to re-shape yet another creative industry (think of the disruption in newspapers, travel, software, books, video and others...)

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