Google TV Learns Some New Tricks

Google TV gets the long-awaited update to Android 3.1-- with UI improvements, Android Market access and an app handling TV content aggregation.

Google TVThe going has been rough for Google TV to say the least. Logitech reportws Revue returns were "higher than the very modest sales" back in August 2011, while Google still fails to fix various content blocks from a number of cable suppliers.

The updated Google TV now has 30-50 apps optimised for TV-use available from the Android Market, as well as a number of mobile apps tweaked a little to run on TV screens. Users can also install non-market apps.

Youtube gets a proper TV interface, with dynamic "channels" playing videos as soon as users type in search terms, and a TV and Movies app aggregating content from multiple sources (including live TV, HBO Go, Netflix, Amazon and Youtube).

The update will first roll out on Sony devices, before hitting the Logitech Revue "soon thereafter."

Go An Update on Google TV

Go The Google TV... Non-Success