iPod Creators Focus on the... Thermostat?

When iPod creators Tony Fadell and Matt Rogers left Apple to start their own company back in 2008, many thought the two would work on a next-gen music player. Instead, they reveal the Nest, an intelligent (and rather stylish!) thermostat.

NestThe company says the thermostat will slash household heating and cooking bills by up to 10-35% by "learning" customer habits-- if the user turns the thermostat to the same temperature at the same time for a few days in a row, it will start turning up heaters to the same temperature at the same time automatically.

Meanwhile six far-field sensors detect human presence through temperature, ambient light, humidity and motion-- turning heating (or air conditioners) down if noone is around.

Temperature control comes through either the rotating outer ring or wifi connectivity (allowing one to adjust thermostat settings via internet-connected devices).

Finally, the company claims installing a Nest thermostat will take all of 20 minutes, and should start shipping from November.

Go Nest