Sony Takes on Micro Consoles, Apple TV

The big vendors too can play in the realm of palm-sized micro consoles-- Sony reveals the PlayStation Vita TV, a low-cost TV device packing the innards of the PS Vita handheld console in a small (6.4 x 10.5cm) device.

Vita TVThe console uses up to two regular Dual Shock 3 controllers (not included) to play around 1300 software titles from the Playstation Network digital games catalog, including PSOne, PSP and PS Vita titles.

In addition the Vita TV connects to the Vita handheld and, eventually, the Playstation 4 for gameplay on a second TV via Ad Hoc streaming. It should also find use in media streaming-- according to Sony the device connects to a number of online services, making it a rival to the likes of the Roku and Apple TV.

Sony says the Vita TV will be available in the Japanese market for all of 14994 yen ($100) on November 2013. No word on a European launch is available as yet, we will learn more about that soon enough.

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