A Bond IR Blaster for Home Control

Customers wanting to add connected smarts to older device might be interested in the Bond, an accessory able provide smart home integration for IR- and RF-controlled appliances.

BondThe Bond is compatible with various appliances, including ceiling fans, window AC units, garage doors and power shades. It consists of a small plug-in tool able to connect to the internet via wifi, before pushing commands to appliances from a companion smartphone app. One can even pair the Bond unit with a smart home control device, such as the Amazon Alexa, to add voice controls.

However users have to keep in mind IR-enabled devices require line-of-sight with the Bond unit, due to the limitations of the technology. This is not the case with RF, which does not require direct line-of-sight. Interestingly, the Bond also has a "listening" function to ensure operation is not disrupted if the owner decides to control an appliance with an old remote.

The Bond is currently available on a preorder basis.

Go Bond