Mozaex Ships Blu-Ray Server

Mozaex ships its ShowStar all-in-one Blu-Ray server, saying it's the most affordable entertainment server currently on the market.

Mozaex ShowstarWith 3TB worth of storage it can store movies, music files and photo slide shows, while being compatible with over 100 VOD services (including Youtube, Pandora and VUDU).

Using Mozaex's own X7 OS, the company says it's as easy to setup and use as a standard Blu-ray player, with 1080p support and 7.1 HD audio.

It ships without any unlicensed decryption software (ensuring its legality) while Mozaex also offers the optional Cache 100 disc changer.

The package includes a handheld remote control while the system is compatible most one-way remote control systems, including Control 4, Elan and iDevices (via app).

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