The Firefox-Powered Chromecast Rival

A tweet from Mozilla developer evangelist Christian Heilmann leaks what might be the company's next project-- a Google Chromecast-style streaming stick running on Firefox OS.

Streaming stickAs way of reminder the Chromecast is a low-cost HDMI dongle able to push online content (such as YouTube or Netflix videos) from mobile devices to TVs. The Firefox OS-powered take on the concept, reportedly codennamed "Netcast", is similar if "more open and hackable" than the Chromecast at least according to Gigaom.

The news site got to try out a prototype version of the device, and has a video showing a Nexus 7 tablet beaming content to a TV. Reportedly it is compatible with some Chromecast apps, including Google Play Music YouTube and Plex.

Eventually it should also support beaming from the Firefox browser and even Windows Phone or Amazon Fire apps.

Asked for a statement on the device Mozilla simply replies “Firefox OS is an open platform freely available for any company to build on top of without restriction. This means companies can experiment with different form factors that run Firefox OS.”

Will the Netcast become an actual product? Gigaom says an announcement might emerge soon enough, so we will just have to wait and see.

Go Christian Heilmann Tweet

Go Firefox OS-Powered Streaming Stick is Mozilla's Answer to Chromecast (Gigaom)