The Next Generation Airline Seat

Immersive Business Class Seat

We have seen the future of airplane travel and it is all about AV.

At the Aircraft Interiors Expo 2014 in Hamburg, Thales (in collaboration with B/E Aerospace) showed off prototypes of the next generation of business class seats: the design melds the lie-flat premium aircraft seat with immersive AV entertainment.

The next-gen seat will remember you when you connect your personal electronic device. The system connects to your social profiles and sucks up your profile to learn what your travel preferences. Did we mention the Smart Device Ignition Wireless Charging?

The latest smart seat evolution presents advanced technology innovations like touchpad controls integrated in the seat, Ultra-High Definition (UHD) main display screen, Passenger Control Display, Eye Tracking and Interactive Virtual Landscape Panel, widely regarded as some of the most advanced in the world.

THe seat hopes to predict what you want to watch on the built-in screen, the tilt of your seat, and the most comfortable angle of the screen slant. It can even order your meal preferences.

The seat has surround sound and plush headrests.

The prototype in-flight entertainment system can be visually controlled … you look at an icon on the screen for a n icon that watches your needs.Stare at the drinks icon and you are most liable to get a stewardess to bring one. Or look at the album you want and the system will play it.

The system is so sophisticated it can read your facial features well enough to run an eye-test or a health-check

The timeline for delivering this next generation of seat-smartness is 3-5 years.

Go Thales: Smart Seat of the Future for Airplanes