Custom Installation Gains ECS Recognition

The JIB (Joint Industry Board) approves the introduction of an ECS (Electrotechnical Certification Scheme) Related Discipline card specifically for custom installation, with CEDIA as ECS Health and Safety assessment centre.

CEDIA The ECS recognition provides custom installers with access to construction sites via industry-required identification, competence and qualification levels.

"CEDIA is delighted to have worked with the JIB nd others to achieve recognition for a specific ECS category of Home Technology Integrators and be recognised as an official Health and Safety accreditation centre for the scheme”, CEDIA says. “An ECS card plays a critical role for anyone involved in electrotechnical work, seeking to gain entry to a construction site. Without one, it can be a slow, painful and sometimes impossible task for custom installation professionals to access a working project at the times that they need to.  Also, if a breach of health and safety occurs on a site involving an installer, then it could open up the company to legal action and punitive costs.”

Applicants for the card need to complete the CEDIA ECST2 training course and ECS Health and Safety Assessment.

To coincide with the accreditation CEDIA launches a one-day Health and Safety Assessment course, to take place on 30 April, 28 May, 18 June and 23 July at the CEDIA St Neots Training Centre. Interested installers can also get the "Health & Safety Guidelines – Your Corporate Responsibility" document from the CEDIA website.

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