The Fundamentals of CI According to CEDIA

As the custom install industry continues to grow CEDIA releases a white paper aimed at both new and existing professionals working in the field-- Fundamentals of Residential Electronic Systems.

CEDIA The document focuses on the different aspects of home technology, namely distributed audio, home theatre design and installation, lighting and lighting control, security, alarm, surveillance and access control, energy monitoring and management, and home networks.

It also includes an introduction to the industry, professionalism and documentation, business fundamentals, basic mathematics and electricity and safety.

For installers wanting to take CEDIA Gateway Certification the document acts as a recommended study guide.

"In this fast paced industry, it is easy to get preoccupied with other aspects of the job and not find time to focus on the fundamentals," CEdIA says. "This easy to read document ensures that project and sales managers, office staff, IT teams and security professionals will benefit from a better understanding of the industry."

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