CEDIA Training at ISE 2015

CEDIA announces its training program for ISE 2015, one featuring four 1-day courses and twenty 90 minute sessions, including a number of new courses covering topics such as Atmos and Auro 3D sound, 4K UHD and HDMI 2.0.

CEDIA Training“Join me in my object based audio session and learn how to incorporate the newest audio formats from cinema into your home theatre designs," Guy Singleton, presenter of "Atmos, Auro 3D & More: Object Based Audio from the Cinema to the Home Theatre" says. "We discuss the technical design detail and real world implementation of audio formats, including Atmos, Auro 3D and more, and look at how to confidently incorporate these exciting new formats into your own home theatre designs.”

Another area explored in the courses is energy management, specifically in "Ecological Automation - the Basics of Energy" by Fibaro's Daniel Knight.

Dave Robinson from Sensible Heat (UK) presents "Introduction to Building Management Systems (BMS)." Robinson says "this course will help you to understand some of the common issues and jargon terms used in the BMS world, and will aid you in being able to set limits to the scope of your involvement with BMS. We’ll explore why you need to use a separate specialist system to control some of these services, and look at the threat vs opportunity equation – you may not want to get involved with BMS, but if that’s what your customers want, can you afford not to?”

Confused by online marketing? Geoff Meads from Presto AV promises to answer your questions in "Fifty First Dates - Finding Love for Your Brand Online."

"In this course we'll look at taking a more organised approach to online marketing activities," Meads says. "We'll discuss platforms, identity, activity and building a coordinated plan of action. Attendees can expect to leave with an outline plan for their own business. They will have a clear objective, a set of actionable tasks and methods for measuring success!”

The association will also be present throughout ISE to provide further information on its work across EMEA. Freebies will also on offer for members and new CEDIA memberships!

Go Don't Forget to Book Onto CEDIA Training at ISE