uBeam: A Better Means for Wireless Charging?

A startup called uBeam claims to have wireless charging technology able to make the cable-free powering of devices as easy and painless as connecting to a wifi network, all through the use of ultrasonic sound waves.

uBeamAccording to the company the technology wirelessly sends energy via so called "ultrasonic transduction." In a few words, a uBeam transmitter converts power from an outlet into ultrasonic sound waves, which in turn are picked up and converted into energy by a receiver.

Interestingly, unlike current wireless charging systems, uBeam does not require the use of mats-- instead it operates at a range of up to 4.5m, even with moving devices.

The technology is reportedly safe (it is similar to the ultrasonic waves used in ultrasound scanners), inexpensive to produce and can even transmit data. Initial uBeam prototypes were massive, non-portable boxes, but the company now says it has miniaturised the technology to fit mobile phone cases.

However, as with all good things, there is a catch-- uBeam still needs to fully develop the technology, and needs funding to do so. TechCrunch reports the company is already in talks with companies such as Apple, Sasmung, Starbucks, Virgin and Starwoods Hotels, as well as the obligatory venture capitalists.

Will uBeam bring an end to power cables? We will know once the company reveals more of its plans-- not to mention actual charging devices-- in the future.

Go uBeam

Go uBeam's Ultrasound Wireless Charging is Real, and About to be Really Funded (TechCrunch)