CEDIA Announces 2016 Tech Forum Dates

CEDIA releases the schedule for the Tech Forum events taking place on 2016, with free to attend sessions combining training and education ideal for home technology professionals.

CEDIA Tech forumThe announced dates cover the UK and Ireland-- Bristol (20 April), London (17 May), Edinburgh (22 June2), Manchester (20 September) and Dublin (19 October).

Sponsor companies include Aldous Systems, Anthem, AWE, HD Anywhere, Domotz, Genesis, Habitech, Indigo Distribution, Invision, Just Add Power, Lutron, Loxone, Meridian, Multi Room Company, Savant, Teleste and Wyrestorm. Each company hosts a 60 minute presentation, with product training sessions taking place every hour.

Following a day of training attendees get to attend a talk led by an industry expert discussing a current industry topic, before the day concludes with a Connect with CEDIA networking event.

Go Connect with CEDIA in 2016