Control4 Recognises Pinnacle Status Dealers

Control4 distinguishes 84 authorised dealers worldwide with the Pinnacle achievement in 2018-- a status recognising growth and consistent quality in Control 4 home automation, Pakedge networking and Triad audio projects.

Control4Pinnacle distinction signifies the dealer has developed a successful long-term partnership with Control4, leading them to purchase $1 million (or the equivalent in respective currencies) worth of Control4, Pakedge and Triad products throughout dealership lifetime.

Currently Pinnacle status dealers total over 200, all with a reputation for providing stellar customer satisfaction as well as commitment to best-in-class connected home solutions.

“These dealers represent the best of the best when it comes to Control4 smart home solutions,” Control4 says. “Pinnacle status distinguishes these dealers as integrators who are deeply committed, experienced, and consistent in delivering superior connected homes.”

EMEA Control4 dealers achieving Pinnacle status in 2018 are listed below:

Go Control4 Recognises New Pinnacle Status Dealers