European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

The DAC in a USB Stick

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AudioQuest has a proposal to improve on the poor quality audio PC sound cards tend to produce-- the DragonFly, a USB Digital-Audio Converter (DAC) the size of a flash drive.

DragonFly DACDesigned to feed headphones or speakers (via 3.5mm jack), the DragonFly carries a 24-bit ESS Sabre DAC chip, 2 clocks and the Streamlength asynchronous USB data transfer protocol to ensure optimal, jitter-free digital-to-analog PC audio conversion.

The DAC chip circuitry is direct-coupled through the analog output section, further reducing sonically degrading components in the signal path. A 64-position analog controller carries out volume control instructions, even when one uses the PC media player volume slider.

The DragonFly is compatible with both PCs and Mac media players and handles all audio formats, from MP3 and CD-standard 16-bit/44kHz to native 24-bit/96kHz FLAC and Apple Lossless.

Go AudioQuest DragonFly DAC