European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

The BBC (also) Takes on Immersive TV

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Is "immersive" the key word for the future of TV? Just as Microsoft reveals more on the IllumiRoom "peripheral projected illusion" system, the BBC shows off "Surround Video," its take on the immersion concept at the BFI Southbank, London.

BBC Surround TVA 7 year BBC R&D development, Surround Video uses room calibration software and reverse projection to create immersive visuals filling the viewer's peripheral field of view.

But how does it work? A standard projector beams surround visuals (as distorted by the software) on a nearby mirror, which in turn reflects the visuals on a wall where an HDTV shows the standard version of the same content. The viewer naturally focuses on the HDTV, while the projections "extend" the visual experience.

The demo seen at the BFI appears mostly effective, even if the system requires motion to work best.


The BBC also explains the process behind the creation of surround video content-- a standard lens camera and another with a wider "fish eye" lens shoot action simultaneously. The technique was used to shoot a short live action film (Broken) and an animation (Kill Mode).

Immersion is not the only thing the BBC is working on. The research team is also working on high frame rates, amongst other TV technologies. With Microsoft and other teams (such as this collective of Spanish universities and companies) working on similar concepts, the future might bring big business in more "immersive" living room entertainment.

Go 180 Degree TV for the Home (BBC)