European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Savant's In-Wall Lightning Docks

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Savant claims to be the first company offering in-wall charging docks for iPad (IDC-200L), 5th generation iPod (IDC-T00L) and iPad mini (IDC-100L) equipped with Lightning connectors.

Savant ipad miniThe wifi-connected docks consist of a mounting plate and back-box with low-profile, magnitically attached bezels. The dock powers the iOS device, whose touchscreen allows for wireless navigation and control of Savant automation and control systems.

A locking fastener secures each device in place, while bezels are available in white, black, almond, chrome, nickel, bronze or paintable primer finish.

The company says the 3 products are but the first of a line of Lightning-compatible docks to soon include desktop and in-wall wired versions.

Go Savant Introduces In-Wall Wireless Charging Docks With Lightning Connector