European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

ZigBee Automation Standard at 1.2

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The ZigBee Alliance ratifies the 1.2 update of the ZigBee Home Automation standard, and makes it available for product development. The new version is fully interoperable with earlier versions of the standard.

ZigbeeZigbee Home Automation 1.2 includes enhancements to the functions of devices such as door locks. It also expands support for smart appliances and electrical measurement devices through the results of collaboration with the Energy@home initiative.

“ZigBee Home Automation is already the most robust, reliable and scalable low power wireless standard in the home," ZigBee Alliance CEO Tobin J.M. Richardson says. “ZigBee Home Automation 1.2 further strengthens this position and more importantly delivers a standard that can make every home a smarter, safer and more energy efficient environment for consumers and families.”

According to the alliance ZigBee Home Automation 1.2 underwent "rigorous testing," and 19 products already carry Golden Unit compliance testing and certification status.

Go ZigBee Home Automation Standard Version 1.2 Ratified