European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Better HDTVs via Tetrapod Quantum Dots

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Quantum Materials claims it has a development potentially leading to an era of higher quality, lower cost HDTVs-- Tetrapod Quantum Dots, a high-efficiency display material OEMs can "print" on LCD backplane films.

Quantum dotsAccording to the company Tetrapod Quantum Dots allow for brighter images, larger screens and a wider colour gamuts through the use of quantum dots, nanoscale particles forming the display's pixels.

Quantum dots have an unusual property-- they emit specific wavelenghts of light (or different colours) through different dot sizes, not the matieral in use. Such a quality should make the technology attractive to vendors, since production does not demand the different chemicals found in red, green and blue emitters.

The company also promises it has a green, efficient continuous flow process allowing for easy transition to high-volume manufacture, while production makes no use of toxic materials or rare earth elements.

"Once manufacturers learn to integrate higher efficiency luminescent quantum dots into their products, each vendor will need to follow or dramatically lose market share," Wintergreen Research says. "This level of change brought by quantum dot and quantum dot displays (QLED) represents a new paradigm that will create new industries, products and jobs in science and industry."

Quantum Materials says it shipped Tetrapod Quantum dot samples to "a diversified leading Asian-based electronics manufacturer," meaning the technology is still at its early stages. However QLEDs will come of commercial age soon enough, as seen in TVs such as the "Triluminos" branded Bravia numbers from Sony.

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