European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Sony Sticks With Google TV

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Sony does not give up on Google TV (even as Google itself appears to do exactly that) and announces the NSZ-GU1 Bravia Smart Stick, an MHL/USB dongle for post-2013 Sony TVs similar to the Google Chromecast.

Sony Bravia StickIt carries 8GB storage, connects to TVs via MHL port (USB takes care of power) and "seamlessly integrates Google and Sony's own BRAVIA apps, allowing viewers to stay in a single menu to launch any of their apps."

In other words customers get access to both Sony and Google Play apps, as well as regular TV services, with a single menu handling access. It also allows picture-in-picture web surfing/TV watching, while an included universal remote features a touchpad on one side and a QWERTY keyboard on the other.

So far the Smart Stick is only compatible with 2013 or later Sony TVs, and should be available now.

Go Sony Introduces Bravia Smart Stick