European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Online Training from CEDIA

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CEDIA launches an online learning portal to provide what it hopes will be the go-to resource for home technology professionals complete with "robust" content, tools and exclusive additions for CEDIA members.

CEDIA“We’ve listened carefully to the needs of our members and have spent 2 years developing a user friendly, content rich portal,” the association says. “For the first time, both members and non-member visitors will have their own personalized dashboard with quick links to high priority areas.”

The site includes personalised sections such as “My Training,” “My Benefits” and “My Events,” and merges previously separate sections for company records, transcripts and training into a single system.

Online CEDIA training is also streamlined and substantially expanded, with a resource section hosting over 20 technical white papers, 8 research reports, over 50 training course guides and around 100 tools and templates.

Meanwhile company administrators can add employees to the system and easily check certification status.

One can log into the new CEDIA portal by following the instructions in the link below.

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