European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

TiVo Co-Founders Put Online Video on TV

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TiVo co-founders Michael Ramsay and Jim Barton launch what they claim is a truly hassle-free way of viewing online video on HDTVs-- QPlay, a combination of cloud service, TV adapter and iPad app promising to be "like TV, but better."

QPlayAt the heart of the QPlay concept is the cloud service. It provides what the company calls "Qs," video streams generated from a number of sources (YouTube, Vimeo and social networks, although the company says it is looking to include Hulu and Netflix). Users can create own Qs from channel subscriptions or browser bookmarklet, or simply watch auto-generated TV-style channels from sources such as CNN, MSNC and Al-Jazeera.

The adapter, a wifi- and HDMI-enabled device the size of a pack of cardsd, is required to connect to the service. An iPad app takes control duties as a second-screen remote-- and since video streaming take place over cloud content playack continues even if the tablet is shut down.

The QPlay is available now as a limited early adopter bundle, with more to be available at a later date.

Go QPlay