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Apple, U2 Working on Music Format

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U2 might basically be the Apple house band, but the Irish rockers hope to be even more than that-- frontman Bono tells Time the band is working with the company on nothing less than the salvation of music.

Cook U2But how will the U2-Apple team up save music, exactly? Via the creation of a new digital music format, one "so irresistibly exciting to music fans that it will tempt them again into buying music," at least according to Bono.

Apparently the point is not to help U2-- which is already more than successful enough-- but other, less well known artists who cannot make money from live performances, arguably the only means musicians can make money in the early days of the 21st century.

“Songwriters aren’t touring people,” Bono says. “Cole Porter wouldn’t have sold T-shirts. Cole Porter wasn’t coming to a stadium near you.”

Then again, bands can also make money by following the U2 example by becoming the musical entertainment of choice for the world's biggest companies. According to the Wall Street Journal the deal between Apple and U2 is worth no less $100 million. It involves the free release (for iTunes account holders) of the band's latest album, Songs of Innocence, the use of the first single, "The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)", in iPhone 6/6 Plus and Watch ad campaigns and, of course, providing live music for Apple events.

The album was added automatically to every iPhone and iPad with an active iTunes account-- to the displeasure of at least some iDevice owners, who were not too impressed by the sonic credentials of the 13th U2 album. The backlash was so scathing it spurred Apple to provide a free Songs of Innocence removal tool, allowing users to permanently delete the album from their iTunes music library and purchases.

Those still to listen the album (which, according to this writer, is a far cry from the band's greatest hits such as Achtung Baby) can still grab it via iTunes until 13 October.

Go U2 and Apple Have Another Surprise for You (Time)

Go U2, Apple and the Deal Behind Getting Songs of Innocence Free of Charge

Go Songs of Innocence Removal Tool