European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Yantouch Ships 3-in-1 Diamond+

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Red Dot Award winner Yantouch starts shipping the Diamond+-- the first 3-in-1 Bluetooth speaker providing a light show, wake-up/sleep features and, of course, audio capabilities.

Yantouch Diamond+Designed as an "instant party-in-a-box," the Diamond+ features planetarium-style music and light modes, with solid, bright, saturated, flashing and alternate lights in 16 million shades of pink, purple, fuchsia, orange, gold, green, white and red.

The audio comes through an N-class 2.1 speaker featuring right and left woofer tubes on each side of the device for a sideways stereo effect, a bass resonant tube (boosts sound by 300%) and a spherical neodymium speaker.

Meanwhile the so-called "Natural Sleep" feature promises to help customers sleep naturally with gradual light and music dimming. Waking up should also be more pleasant via sunrise effect silently bringing one from deep to shallow sleep in 30 minutes before a birdsong alarm kicks in.

An included remote provides control of both music and lights, and slots inside the speaker for easy storage.

Power comes through a rechargeable battery with up to 7 hours of use on full charge, as well as USB port. An audio cable also allows use with non-Bluetooth devices.

Go Yantouch Diamond+