European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Swann Takes on Smart Home

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Security vendor Swann is the next company to take on the smart home segment with SwannOne, a product lineup combining security, home automation, energy management and more via hub device and smartphone app.

SwannOne Like similar solutions SwannOne connects to other smart home devices via wifi and ZigBee, while the app allows users to remotely monitor connected devices. Details are still under wrap, but Swann says the system includes home and away modes, scheduling rules for lighting, heating and locks, and monitoring options.

So far Swann has revealed one SwannOne product-- the SoundView Camera. Described by the company as the system's starting point, it includes HD video streaming, motion detection, night vision and sound detection, as well as smartphone alerts and optional cloud storage plans.

Swann says it will also sell a range of starter kits starting from basic alarm solutions to comprehensive alarm, video monitoring, energy management and appliance control solutions, with optional accessories providing a fully scaleable system.

Other SwannOne services will include professionally patrolled monitoring, cloud storage and audio analytics.

More details should be available on November 2014, following release of the SoundView Camera.

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