European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Orange France Launches Homelive

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Orange France combines the MiOS home automation platform with a variety of 3rd party devices to launch Homelive, a home automation service acting as both a Smart Home as a Service (SHaaS) and independent service.

HomeliveMiOS powers the automation hub component of the Homelive service, specifically a Vera (formerly Mi Casa Verde) base station. It connects to a number of devices-- including a smoke sensor, door/window sensor and motion sensor from Fibaro-- via Z-Wave, and in turn a smartphone app provides monitoring and control.

The app also receives alerts according to what the sensors detect. Interestingly the hub device has an own SIM card, allowing it to take care of automation duties even if home wifi is down.

Further Homelive-compatible peripherals include an Aeotec/Aeon siren, a Fibaro water leak detector, a Sercomm camera and Z-Wave devices from Wintop and Orange also plans to include IP-enabled solutions such as Philips Hue smart lighting, the Neatmo weather station and health-tracking wearable devices.

Homelive is available as a subscription-based service complete with unlimited SMS alerts, continuity of service monitoring and alerts in case of internet failure.

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