European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Panasonic Claims Single-Cable 8K Distribution

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Panasonic announces the development of a single cable and connector solution for the transmission of uncompressed full-spec 8K (7680x4320 resolution, 120fps) video signals.

Panasonic 8K transmissionCurrently transmitting 8K video signals via connector-equipped cable from a source to a display involves the transmission of 4K-equivalent images on 4 HDMI cables. The images are then combined into an 8K resolution image via image processing.

The Panasonic connector-equipped cable foregoes such steps, since it uses plastic optical fibre technology to carry 8K video on a single cable, with improved bandwidth and length. The technology comes through collaboration with KAI Photonics, and uses a ballpoint-pen type interconnect to avoid the issues involved with the detachable connection portions of the cables.

In addition, the company claims the technology handles transmission bandwidth exceeding 100Gbps on a single cable.

Panasonic now aims to make the connector cable an international standard.

Go Panasonic Develops Single Cable and Connector Solution for Transmission of 8K Video Signals