European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Now Intel's Inside Energy Management...

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Now Intel's Inside Energy Management

You may never see an Intel-branded energy management system but Intel wants its technology (sold under other brands) to create a new era of home energy control.

Think INTEL INSIDE as Intel shows protypes of a home energy management system (HEMS), Home Dashboard energy monitor, Smart TV technology, and sensors that can be placed throughout the home to detect status and problems.

Intel’s HEMS will use ZigBee’s Smart Energy Profile 2.0 IP-based protocol and will send signals over ZigBee, WiFi and Powerline.

The “Home Dashboard” itself, shown here, is an on-wall display panel where users can access their home’s energy use info and perform other functions, such as video messaging with a built-in camera.

Intel’s sensors plug into outlets at each end of the house and look for fluctuations in the line voltage—even temperature and humidity sensors, too.

Intel’s Smart TV technology can network with HEMS and display energy information as you sit back on the sofa.

Intel will first approach utilities with smart grid plans, service providers such as ADT and telcos that plan to sell low-cost energy monitoring services to their customers. But imagine Intel’s best friends in hardware include retail brands…from Microsoft peripherals to Apple to mega-retailers Best Buy and Wal-Mart.

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