European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Ecobee Adds Voice Control to the Switch

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Voice control is set to appear virtually everywhere-- including the light switch, as the Ecobee Switch+ combines the humble device with a smart speaker and voice control access point.

Ecobee Switch+The voice-controlled assistant found in the Switch+ is Amazon's Alexa, although Ecobee says it will eventually add compatibility with Apple HomeKit and Google Assistant. Whichever the assistant, users can simply speak out various commands, such as asking for the the weather, news headlines, music playback or connected device control. Further home automation features will also be added through SmartThings and IFTTT integration.

Far-field microphones allow the Switch+ to pick up voice commands from a decent distance, while motion and daylight sensors provide automatic lighting control. The companion app handles other features, such as a vacation mode able to randomise lights when one is not home. Finally a basic hardware button on the front allows manual light control, if without any dimming features.

The Switch+ should hit the market later by end March 2018.

Go Ecobee Switch+