European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

A Wondrwall for Smart Lighting and Heating

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Manchester-based Wondrwall launches an own take on smart lighting and heating control-- a system based around connected light switches, bringing about what is described as a learning, modular smart home system.

WondrwallThe connected switches making the Wondrwall system replace the standard fittings in either a retro or new fit, and carry 13 different sensors able to monitor temperature, humidity, power, motion, luminosity and sound. Thus, the system can consist of a network of over 100 sensors spread across a typical 3-bedroom home, and pairs with smartphone location tracking in order to to learn occupant habits and preferences. Over time, Wondrwall learns how the home is used, and makes appropriate adjustments to heating, lighting and security in real-time.

“Our vision of an intelligent home is to give it a brain and the ability to control itself,” the company says. “We’ve never found the idea of having to go to your phone to control isolated parts of your home-- for example heating and lighting-- to be particularly intelligent. Instead we created a system that independently controls all aspects of the home based on how the people inside it live and behave as well how the home itself performs.”

Each switch also includes Amazon Alexa technology, allowing user to control the home through voice commands. Alexa allows the Wondrwall system to control 3rd party devices, while the addition of ZigBee allows it work independently from wifi (even if the switches do have built-in wifi for connection to the cloud and machine learning/predictive modelling platform). The system is also compatible with Sonos, and full manual control is included via iOS/Android mobile apps.

The Wondrwall system also includes a thermostat, siren and key fob (to arm/disarm). Installation comes through CI, electrician and developer partners, and the system will be sold direct in the pro install market.

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