European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Salus Takes on Smart Thermostats With RT520

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Salus Controls launches the RT520 series-- a range of smart thermostats fully compatible with Boiler Plus, the UK legislation aimed at improving home energy use by increasing the efficiency of heating systems.

Salus RT520“When installing a combi boiler, Boiler Plus dictates that one of four energy efficiency measures must be added, one of which is heating controls. Since simple programmable thermostats are no longer compliant in this instance, homeowners are limited to connected smart controls with automation and optimisation functions," Salus says. “Now, however, thanks to the RT520’s Load Compensation feature-- one of the 4 energy saving features that makes a system Boiler Plus compliant-- homeowners can meet the requirements of the new regulations without resorting to smart controls. It’s the most cost-effective fully compliant thermostat option on the market and appeals to users who are not up to speed with technology or who don’t have internet access, as well as those who prefer a quick and simple installation.”

Available in wired and wireless RF versions, the RT520 is a battery-powered digital display room thermostat with a large LCD. The UI promises to be so simple most customers will not an instruction manual to use it, while the thermostat uses the industry-leading OpenTherm protocol to enable the boiler to be modulated. The result is improved control and efficiency by only adding the necessary amount of gas to heat water to the required temperature.

Both models also feature additional operational and efficiency controls, including notifications in case the boiler needs servicing and a PIN option enabling landlords and building owners to only access certain boiler settings and menus. The thermostats boast an improved ErP rating to verify the overall efficency of the system, and the connected controls include both optimisation and automation features.

The RT520 is available now.

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