European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

A Pair of Glasses to 3D Them All?

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Volfoni exhibits its ActivEyes "intelligent" 3D glasses at CeBIT 2011-- a set the company says eliminates customers' having to choose between active and passive glasses.

activeyesThe ActivEyes system comes in 2 parts; the glasses (weighing only 29g and usable for passive 3D) and a separate integrated electronics-carrying mini "box" for active shutter TV, which the user connects to the glasses.

The set is compatible with both IR and RF systems, and its batteries last for 30 hours on a single charge. It is compatible with most 3D TVs and monitors, and is also upgradeable via online updates.

A 3D Hub accessory allowing up to 4 users to connect their glasses together will also be availble, together with a Sync module converting IR signals into RF (allowing users to move around the house while not losing their sets' signal).

Go Volfoni ActivEyes