European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Cameo Keypads Get Additions

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CameoCrestron upgrades its Cameo keypad range-- this time focusing on matching the keypads' look with current interior design trends.

The upgraded range offers what Crestron describes as combining "contemporary stylings with highly customisable system design options".

New split-button designs allow for an additional x2 buttons per keypad, as well as increasing customisation options-- where the extra buttons are ideal for volume control or light dimming while freeing up space for extra lighting zone/audio source presets.

Meanwhile auto-dimmable backlit text and LED feedback provide button function indication.

The flush mounted keypads have a sleek profile and don't need a gang box. Built-in Verisport control ports allow for local device connection, contact closures aand other integration solutions.

Go Crestron Cameo