European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Image Calibration Course With CEDIA, ISF

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CEDIA is offering a 3-day image calibration course in collaboration with the Imaging Science Foundation (ISF) at the Panasonic Pinewood Studios, Buckinghamshire.

CEDIA courseRunning on April 17-19 2012, the course covers a range of topics-- starting off with basic video processing, HD/SD encoding, colour management and 3D mathematical imaging.

Following that the course moves to a hands-on approach to ISF software guided calibration solutions, as well as EEDID/HDMI verification, 3D colour management and system building diagnosis.

CEDIA says the course combines the ISF Level 1 and 2 courses, and will have instruction from ISF founder and president Joel Silver. The organisation is also hosting a free 1 hour webinar on March 19 with more information on the course.

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