European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Distributors and Installers

Who’s the Installer of the Best Crestron Home 2007?

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"Best International Crestron Home" award in the prestigious Crestron Integration Awards 2007 goes to Tony Harper, Managing Director of T&T in the UK.

T&T won the “A”-ward for their work on "Project C", a new build in the east of England.  T&T had to create an interactive home, a home which is almost entirely controllable at the touch of a button.  Project C ended up with 130 lighting circuits tied into 20 keypads; 24 discrete zones of radiant heat with remote air and floor temperature sensors connected to centralised Crestron thermostats. In addition there are 16 audio and eight video Crestron-distributed zones, including an on-site professional recording studio.

Crestron’s Integration Awards (announced at the annual CEDIA show in the US) are open to Crestron dealers and installers worldwide: so see you next year, folks!

Go T&T, Masters of Project C